Sunshine Studio

Unparalleled Handmade Carved Silver Jewelry.


Sunshine Studio's silver jewelry  is meticulously crafted by hand, without the use of molds. Their designs seamlessly blend Native American and Los Angeles West Coast cultures, incorporating materials like turquoise and coral with a strong Indian influence, as well as precious metals like gold and platinum.

Master artisan Takase then uses his exceptional inlay and overlay techniques to create one-of-a-kind silver jewelry pieces. Some of these exceptional works have even been featured in the book Contemporary Craft in Japan, highlighting their exceptional quality. The design and brand concepts of Sunshine Studio perfectly align with Deopuz's "Timeless" concept, making them a must-see for jewelry enthusiasts. 

18Kt Tip Gold Silver Feather Ring L
Sunshine Studio 高瀬豪太 點金羽毛戒指
Sunshine Studio 高瀬豪太 XS 純銀羽毛耳環
Sunshine Studio 高瀬豪太 純銀羽毛L吊墜連焊輪
Sunshine Studio 高瀬豪太 上松石羽毛L
Sunshine Studio 高瀬豪太 高瀬豪太大鷹系列
Sunshine Studio 高瀬豪太  18Kt 黃金羽毛M
5mm Annual Bangle
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