Dawon Ring
Height : 29mm
Width : 28mm
Material: Silver 925
The ten-armed warrior goddess Durga rides upon a tiger named Dawn. When Durga was fighting the demon Mahishasura, the gods bestowed upon her various weapons. At that time, they also granted her dawn as a vehicle. It is said that Dawn fought alongside Durga with its sharp fangs and claws.
This ring design incorporates elements to match the image of Goddess Durga, such as ornate headdresses and armor-like details. Enjoy the ring of the tiger ridden by the divine goddess.
The ten-armed Durga Goddess sitting atop the fearsome tiger Dawn, wielding an array of divine weapons, is a powerful and awe-inspiring image from Hindu mythology. The addition of the ornate headpiece and armor-like elements further emphasizes the goddess's supreme divine status and warrior prowess. This ring design captures the majesty and might of Durga and her mighty tiger companion.
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