Hanuman Ring
Height : 34mm
Width : 27mm
Material: Silver 925 x Citrine
The warrior-monkey Hanuman, possessing both strength and wisdom, is a beloved demigod in India. Endowed with divine powers, Hanuman can transform his size and physique, even flying through the air. He is said to be the model for the character Sun Wukong, the "Monkey King" in the classic novel Journey to the West.
This ring design captures Hanuman's essence, featuring a small headdress adorned with upright hair and a glowing citrine gem, evoking the sun's radiance. Decorative armor and shoulder pieces on the side suggest Hanuman's warrior nature, in contrast to the serene Ganesha.
The design skillfully blends Hanuman's formidable and dynamic presence with refined, symbolic details, resulting in a striking representation of this revered mythical figure.
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