Byacco Ring
Size :
Height : 20mm
Width : 25mm
Material: Silver 925
A white tiger that protects the west. The symbolic color is white, and the season is autumn. In China, tigers are said to be the king of beasts, and when they reach the age of 500, they become white tigers. Also, in the Asian region, there are many countries where white tigers are considered sacred creatures. It is said to keep evil spirits away and attract happiness. You won't let your money luck escape!
只需用我們的專用珠寶清潔布輕輕擦拭已失去光澤的配飾即可.如果嚴重失去光澤,用溫水和沐浴露清洗您的配件,然後用毛巾印乾。 用我們的特殊珠寶清潔布擦亮配飾,進行細緻的修飾。