
Crafted to Perfection: The Legacy of Silver Artistry
Albatory is solely managed by Mr. Kohei Tanimoto, who is dedicated to crafting all of the silverware by hand. As a native of Kobe, Mr. Tanimoto has been creating silverware since he founded the brand in 1998. He is a self-taught sculptor who honed his craft through years of training, and has since become a master-level craftsman. Tanimoto insists on using only the highest quality materials and never compromises on authenticity, particularly with the feather design.
Albatory 由谷本浩平先生全權管理,他致力於手工製作所有銀器。作為土生土長的神戶人,谷本先生自 1998 年創立品牌以來,一直致力於銀器的創作。他是一位自學成才的雕刻家,經過多年的磨練,已成為大師級的工藝師。 谷本堅持只使用最優質的材料,從不因現實性妥協,尤其是羽毛設計。
Albatory 工作室位於兵庫縣鹽谷地區,在一條狹窄山路上的一間小屋裡。儘管資源有限,工作室仍努力創造最好的產品,同時保持真正工匠的心態。從原材料到最終產品,製作過程的每一步都以非凡的技巧和對細節的關注完成。
The Albatory studio is located in the Shioya area of Hyogo Prefecture, in a small hut on a narrow mountain road. Despite limited resources, the studio strives to create the best possible products while maintaining the mindset of a true craftsman. From raw materials to the final product, every step of the crafting process is done with extraordinary skill and attention to detail.