Round Coin Case
Length: 75mm
Width: 110mm
Material: 925 Silver x Cowhide
A coin case with a round zip that creates a sophisticated image.
A functional gem that makes it easier to put coins in and out with a box-shaped gusset that opens three-dimensionally. In addition to the coin purse, there is a gap-free construction with one card holder on the outside and two card holders on the inside.
The addition of joint parts further increases convenience.
只需用我們的專用珠寶清潔布輕輕擦拭已失去光澤的配飾即可.如果嚴重失去光澤,用溫水和沐浴露清洗您的配件,然後用毛巾印乾。 用我們的特殊珠寶清潔布擦亮配飾,進行細緻的修飾。