LUST-Asmodeus Ring
Height : 44mm
Width : 30mm
Material: Silver 925 x Brass
The Seven Deadly Sins "LUST"
In the seven deadly sins, there are demons corresponding to each sin, and all of them were as motifs. In addition, a cross is set in the part that symbolizes the sin.
"Asmodeus" represents "lust".
From the neck up, there are three faces of a bull, a ram, a man-eating demon, a goose's feet, a poisonous snake's tail, and an animal that was believed to be sexually lewd. It is said that they possessed women and put men on their poisonous fangs one after another. The heads of cows and sheep were boldly placed, representing an unusual statue of the devil. In addition, the female body was emphasized by hiding the eyes, and I think it has become easier to convey the "color desire" of the theme. The snake clinging to the chest also emphasizes the theme at the same time as expressing the characteristics of the devil.
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