Maria Pendant
Height : 75mm
Width : 44mm
Material: Silver 925 x Brass x Sapphire x Cubic Zirconia
This is a magnificent cross pendant featuring the motif of the Virgin Mary. Around the edges are lilies, a symbol of the Virgin. The 12 lilies, formed by 3 overlapping lilies in each direction, represent the 12 apostles of Christ. Above Mary's head shines a halo, signifying the aura bestowed only upon the most noble. The 9 gems set within the halo represent the 9 months she spent in the womb of Saint Anne. The peak is expressed in sapphire, symbolizing the blue color associated with the Virgin Mary.
Even today, Mary is revered as a symbol of compassion, but she also possessed an unwavering strength of spirit. She had the fortitude to steadfastly denounce societal injustices.
She is not a distant figure, but perhaps a closer presence for modern women. Mary continues to offer us fresh, pioneering energy to shape the times.
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