MAD CULT was founded in 2005 with a core focus on rock music, heavy metal, and motorcycle culture. The products are designed to reflect the human psyche in the face of emotions and desires, and are presented through the deepest embodiment of humanity - the skull. Of course,MAD CULT also offers a variety of products that combine skull culture, such as rabbit and snake motifs.

Mad Cult Double Head Snake Ring
Mad Cult Brainwashing Snake Ring
Mad Cult Old Arabesque Ring S
Mad Cult hk Jesus Skull Head Ⅱ 黃銅荊棘戒指
Mad Cult Evil Rabbit Ring S
Mad Cult hk  3.2mm SC 骷髏頭銀鏈
Mad Cult 3.2mm Punish Chain
Mad Cult  4.5mm Punish Chain
Old Arabesque Bangle S
Mad Cult hk Double Evil Rabbit 純銀手鏈
Mad Cult One Evil Rabbit 純銀手鏈
Mad Cult hk Fucking Baby骷髏頭熔岩石手鏈