Last Generation of Handcrafted Silversmiths

Craftsmanship Legacy: Meet Our Artisans
Craftsman Gotai Takase was born in Yokohama, Japan. At 18 years old in 1988, he moved to Los Angeles alone to chase his dream of becoming a professional photographer.
While in Los Angeles, he met Goro from Goros and Riki from Wingrock, which sparked his interest in Native Jewelry. He then studied jewelry-making techniques with two esteemed figures in Santa Fe, New Mexico: Ben Hazeltine and the renowned Native American artist Ben Nighthorse. In 1995, he graduated and obtained the prestigious qualification of Gemologist Qualified Jewelry Appraiser.
在洛杉磯遇到 Goros 的 Goro 和wingrock 的Riki後他對 Native Jewelry 產生了興趣。並開始跟隨美國 Santa Fe州的兩大殿堂級人物 Ben Hazeltine 及印地安裔名人Ben Nighthorse 學習製作珠寶技巧,更在1995年畢業,獲得了非常難取錄的 Gemologist Quallified Jewelry Appraiser的專業資格。
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Gotai Takase's long stay in Arizona and Santa Fe has allowed his creations to blend Native American culture with the West Coast culture of Los Angeles. He designs with gemstones that have a strong Indian style, such as turquoise and coral, while also frequently using precious metals like gold, platinum, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. While preserving traditional themes based on Native American myths and legendary flora and fauna, Takase continues to create striking jewelry using the exceptional and rare Inlay and Overlay techniques combined with silver designs. His work has even been featured in Contemporary Craft in Japan.
After returning to Japan in 1997, Takase established a studio in Okayama's Hokancho and moved to a villa in Kitami City, Okayama Prefecture, in August 2015, where he enjoys creative activities and a slow lifestyle. Customers who love Sunshine Studio will cherish the handcrafted Native American-style silver jewelry, which takes at least four months to create. He maintains a discerning aesthetic judgment for each piece and is not easily swayed by "world-renowned" fashion trends. The design and brand philosophy of Sunshine Studio perfectly align with the Timeless concept upheld by Deopuz.
高瀬豪太更因長年旅居 Arizona 及 SanteFe,使他的製品融合了美洲原住民文化和洛杉磯西海岸文化:不僅以綠松石和珊瑚等等為印地安風格強烈的寶石作設計、也經常使用黃金、鉑金、鑽石、紅寶石和祖母綠等貴金屬。
在以美洲原住民神話和傳奇動植物為主題保留傳統的同時,高瀬也繼續以優秀及罕見的鑲嵌Inlav 和覆蓋 Overlav技術,配合銀飾設計創造出具有強烈的存在感的珠寶,其作品更在 Contemporary Craft in Japan 刊登。
高瀨於1997年回到日本後,在岡山市法寒町設立工作室,並於2015年8月搬到岡山縣北見市的別墅,在法寒町工房享受創意活動和慢生活。喜愛 Sunshine Studio 的客人一定會更加珍惜需要最少長達4個月製成的全人手雕印地安風格銀飾品。保持對每件物品的美感審判,不會被盲目受「世界公認的」時尚所迷惑。Sunshine Studio 的設計及品牌理念,完美結合 Deopuz 秉承的 Timeless 理念。
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