Nine-Tailed Fox Ring
Height : 34mm
Width : 27mm
Material : 925 Silver
The nine-tailed fox is a powerful yokai (supernatural creature) that has legends across Asia, including in China, Japan, the Korean peninsula, India, and Vietnam. As the name suggests, this demonic fox has nine tails.
In the legends of various countries, the nine-tailed fox typically takes on the form of a beautiful woman who ingratiates herself with the ruling powers of the time, manipulating them and committing heinous acts. In China, she is known as Daji and Baoxi; in Japan, Tamamo-no-Mae; on the Korean peninsula and in Vietnam, the Nine-Tailed Fox; and in India, Lady Huanyan. Despite this strong image of the nine-tailed fox as a villainous figure, originally it was a auspicious spirit animal on par with the phoenix and qilin.
For this piece, the focus is on depicting the powerful, monstrous form of the great nine-tailed fox, rather than the beautiful woman. The dynamic design is composed of the nine tails, exuding a sense of power and sculptural beauty. The mirror-polished tips of the tails further accentuate the striking presence of this mythical creature.
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