Hole Knocker: Minimum Wallet
Length: 85mm
Width: 95mm
Material: 925 Silver x Cowhide
DEAL DESIGN, which has been making leather items for many years, proposes a new series rich in functionality and stylishness.
All items are set with their own eyelet parts and a small malvina, and if you attach it to your bag or waist, it will quickly turn into a fashion item if you combine it with leather straps and nylon straps sold separately. Ri. The eyelet parts fixed with a simple structure can be easily removed, and it is a groundbreaking series that adapts to the scene.
只需用我們的專用珠寶清潔布輕輕擦拭已失去光澤的配飾即可.如果嚴重失去光澤,用溫水和沐浴露清洗您的配件,然後用毛巾印乾。 用我們的特殊珠寶清潔布擦亮配飾,進行細緻的修飾。