Karttikeya Pierce
Height : 80mm
Width : 13mm
Material : 925 Silver
This is a pair of earrings depicting Kartikeya, the Hindu god of war. Also known as Skanda, he is the son of the god Shiva and is often portrayed carrying a spear and riding a peacock. In Buddhism, he is referred to as Skanda or Subraja.
These earrings feature the shimmering feathers of a peacock, adding an elegant and vibrant touch. The spearheads at the end of the chains have been polished to a mirror finish, further accentuating the ornate design. The chains can be detached, allowing you to coordinate the earrings with different outfits or moods.
The dynamic representation of the martial god Kartikeya, combined with the luxurious peacock motif and the versatile chain design, makes these earrings a striking and multifaceted accessory.
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