Mahisasura Stone Bracelet
Height : 16mm
Width : 18mm
Size S : Suitable for wrist circumference 18.6cm 22 Pcs of beads
Size M:Suitable for wrist circumference 20.2cm 24 Pcs of beads
Size L: Suitable for wrist circumference 21.8cm 26 Pcs of beads
Material: Silver 925 x Red Tigers Eye / Chrysocolla / Operon
In Hindu mythology, there appears a demonic race known as the Asuras. One of these Asura kings is Mahishasura, also called Mahisha.
Mahishasura was granted the boon by the creator god Brahma that he could not be killed by any male. Leading his Asura hordes, Mahishasura conquered the heavens and usurped the position of the gods. However, the combined divine fury of the enraged gods gave birth to the warrior goddess Durga, who ultimately vanquished Mahishasura.
This bracelet captures the essence of this epic battle. The black onyx base represents the dark power of Mahishasura and the Asuras. Inlaid within are colored stones that evoke the red and blue demons, symbolizing the Asura forces.
The buyer can choose between red tiger's eye or chrysocolla to represent these demonic entities, adding a vibrant contrast to the dominant onyx foundation.
This bracelet serves as a tangible representation of the legendary clash between the Asura king Mahishasura and the mighty goddess Durga, a defining moment in Hindu mythology.
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