Qilin Pendant
Height: 35mm
Width: 25mm
Material: 925 Silver
The Qilin, the auspicious mythical beast of Chinese lore, is often paired with the Phoenix as a symbol of the appearance of a sage or wise ruler. While descriptions vary, the Qilin is typically depicted as having a deer-like body, a dragon's head, and a single branching horn on its forehead.
In this design, the Qilin's lithe, deer-like form is captured, conveying a sense of graceful, airborne motion. The branching horn rising from its brow ties it visually to its mythic counterpart, the Phoenix. This pairing of the two legendary creatures carries deep significance in Chinese cultural symbolism, representing harmony, benevolence and the arrival of a virtuous leader.
The fluid, dynamic lines of this Qilin design evoke the sense of the beast effortlessly soaring through the heavens. Paired with other mythological motifs, this piece would make a striking and meaningful addition to one's collection, honoring the rich tradition of Chinese mythology.
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