Rod Of Asclepius Pendant
Height : 47mm
Width : 14mm
Material : Silver 925 x Blue Topaz
The Greek mythological figure Asclepius, the god of medicine, is depicted holding a staff with a snake coiled around it. Asclepius was an exceptional healer who was greatly revered by the people, and over time his staff also became an object of worship. Even today, this symbol is widely used to represent the medical profession.
The pendant design features a tree branch with a snake coiled around it. Careful consideration was given to the curves and rhythm of the snake. This motif is often depicted in shades of blue, so a deep blue blue topaz gemstone was set at the top. The balance between the sizeable blue topaz and the undulating snake creates a beautiful, sharp form for the pendant. It is recommended to pair this with a delicate chain.
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