Siva Ring
Height : 40mm
Width : 30mm
Material: Silver 925 x Onix x Sapphire
Shiva is one of the three major deities in Hinduism, along with Brahma and Vishnu. Originally a god of storms and tempests, Shiva has the dual nature of both destruction and creation - he can bring devastation to the earth, while also creating the fertile soil for new life to emerge.
The third eye on Shiva's forehead is said to emit a powerful, blazing light that can consume all.
This ring design incorporates many of the symbols and iconography associated with Shiva - the crescent moon on his head, the serpent and rosary around his neck, the trishula (trident) and damaru (drum) in his multiple hands. Additionally, the backside of the ring features the serpent Vasuki, whose poison Shiva drank during the churning of the cosmic ocean, turning his throat blue.
This ring is a masterful representation of the supreme deity Shiva, capturing his complex duality of destruction and creation, as well as the rich mythological details that define this powerful Hindu god. It is a ring truly befitting of the highest divine being.
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